thriving on creative ageing

there's more to life than bingo and bus trips!

Aged Care Programs

Drawing Memories

Sensory Art for Aged Care & Dementia

Suitable for:

  • Residential care
  • Hostel living
  • Day Therapy
  • Home care

Delivered in a variety of modes to suit your needs:

  • In-person or online
  • Groups or 1:1
  • Day or weekly sessions
  • Budget- friendly program packages

Drawing memories provides stimulation and engagement through unique non-template drawing activities and multi-modal approaches. Activities build on individual memories as well as in-the-moment memory-making. All tools, art media and reminiscing props are provided, with easy adaptability for outdoor or online during lockdowns. I facilitate with gentle direction and a focused approach to individual needs and different levels of cognition.

Activities can be personalised to favourite songs and themes to encourage connection. I liaise with lifestyle staff before and after each activity, with the option of providing my observations of each participant to include in their clinical notes.


  • Facilitation
  • Set up and clean up
  • Art materials and props
  • Observation notes upon request

See how the Drawing Memories Program can help you, the people you care for and your organisation.

Glass Canvas

Visitation restrictions?

Are your residents missing out on social connection?

This innovative and fun-filled activity may solve your problem.

Glass Canvas emerged during the pandemic to support the emotional needs of people in aged care when they were no longer able to have visits from family, community service visitors and creative engagement specialists.

It’s ideal for any situation requiring infection control strategies, not just COVID-19.

Glass Canvas uses ‘window therapy’ to create meaningful engagement through windows in their rooms or common areas.

The glass acts as a protective barrier during infection outbreaks but doesn’t hamper the fun.

The window offers its own creative possibilities, generating plenty of lightness and laughter and a beautiful exhibition of residents’ art. Easy to clean off when finished.


  • Facilitation (via phone/headphones with inside lifestyle staff)
  • Set up and clean up (external)
  • Art materials and props (sanitised and delivered prior)

Together Apart

Online artmaking for lockdown, distance and remote communities

  • Residential
  • Home Care
  • Hostel living
  • 1:1 or in a virtual group delivered via Zoom.
  • Weekly sessions

Together Apart provides a safe space for people in aged care services to reap the wellbeing benefits of creative expression and social connection.

A fantastic option for those who self – isolate and in need of engaging activities and external interaction.

This delivery requires a carer or family member to be present to assist in interpreting instruction and overseeing the welfare of the individual or group participants.


  • Facilitation
  • Materials list
  • Delivery of sanitised materials upon request.

“I see an elder who is activated as she explores her strengths, her ideas. I see beauty.
I also see safety, innovation and continued ‘in person’ engagement, yet I see no reason
why this isn’t happening at every residential care service.”

Maurie Voisey-Barlin, Creative Enagement Specialist